Sponsorship Packages
Platinum - $1,500
* Space for banner advertising at the event
* 5 minutes live to promote your company, at the event
* Special spot for business corner
* 5 free ticket entries ( adult or child as per your choice)
* Logo on poster ( advertised in at least 5 diverse locations)
* Business card advertising allowed to be done by sponsor at the event
* 5 social media posts acknowledging the company
* Sponsorship acknowledgment and recognition during the event
Gold - $1,000
* Special spot for business corner
* 3 free ticket entries ( adult or child as per your choice)
* Logo on poster ( advertised in at least 5 diverse locations)
* Business card advertising allowed to be done by sponsor at the event
* 3 social media posts acknowledging the company
* Sponsorship acknowledgment and recognition during the event
Silver - $500
* Business card advertising allowed to be done by sponsor at the event
* 1 social media post acknowledging the company
* Sponsorship acknowledgment and recognition during the event